Trading Places: Un Échange is a vibrant residency program begun in 2016 that takes place in Montréal and Vancouver two of Canada’s foremost centers of improvised music. The Coastal Jazz and Blues Society, Music on Main, the NOW Society, Suoni Per Il Popolo and the Western Front curate in collaboration, providing support for artistic practice and opportunities for growth through cultural exchange.
Trading Places: Un Échange est un programme de résidence dynamique qui a débuté en 2016 et qui se déroule à Montréal et à Vancouver, deux des principaux centres de musique improvisée au Canada. La Coastal Jazz and Blues Society, Music on Main, le NOW Society, Suoni Per Il Popolo et le Western Front organisent en collaboration un soutien à la pratique artistique et aux opportunités de croissance par le biais d'échanges culturels.
The New Orchestra Workshop (NOW) Society commemorates their 40th year with performances of new works in a four-day interactive archival and performative installation, placing the Society as one of Canada's most significant improvisatory creative music collectives.