

NOW Society Archives


The NOW Society 40th Anniversary Celebration, November 15 - 18, at the Roundhouse Community Center, will span forty years of archives, ensembles and histories, outlining the achievements of hundreds of artists and collaborators, in one location, over the span of four days.In preparation for this event, NOW is collecting and make an inventory of the complete NOW archives. Important documents, posters, recording, scores and photos from these archives will be selected and prepared for the installation at the Roundhouse. Volunteers are needed for this project! To volunteer, please email Unknown or vaguely known aspects of the history of the organization, the legacy passed through founders, musicians and directors will be available to the public, students, musicians and artists. In an improvised/composed tradition, access to recordings and scores is essential to the passing of knowledge from one generation to another, and in a Society with a longstanding history, this dedicated preservation of the records will be essential.


New Orchestra Workshop (NOW) Society Founders


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The New Orchestra Quintet was founded in 1977 by Gregg Simpson, Ralph Eppel, Paul Plimley, Lisle Ellis and Paul Cram. Their debut concert was at the University of British Columbia Concert hall in 1978, also the first year of their first recording session at PSI Chord Studios in Vancouver. The group went on to form the New Orchestra Workshop Society, established by Paul Cram (saxophone), Ralph Eppel (trombone), Lansall-Ellis (later known as Lisle Ellis) Paul Plimley (piano) and Gregg Simpson (drums).


November 7, 1979 incorporation


Linda Barrat, Paul Cram, Karen Oliver, Lisle Ellis, Ralph Eppel, Paul Plimley, Gregg Simpson

January 26, 1987 incorporation

Gregg Simpson, Clyde Reed, Coat Cooke, Paul Plimley, Ron Samworth, Bruce Freedman




1. The name of the Society is the New Orchestra Workshop Society.

2. The purposes of the Society are:

  •     To cultivate, promote, foster, sponsor and develop the understanding, taste and love of the creative musical arts in the community.
  •     To produce and present creative musical and related events for the community as a whole by memebers of the Society.
  •     To sponsor and encourage similar events by groups of non-members of the Society.
  •     To provide workshops and other educational facilities in the creative musical arts.
  •     To provide the necessary equipment and production facilities for the events sponsored and produced by the Society.
  •     To provide information and consultation to the community as a whole with respect to the creative musical arts.
  •     To further communication of creative music on education, creative, presentational, and general communicational levels.
  •     To research the use of the media in the creative musical arts and to apply this research to the events sponsored and produced by the Society.
  •     To facilitate communication and cooperation with organizations and societies whose objects are similar to the objects of the Society.
  •     To procure or acquire such funds as may be necessary for the fulfillment of said purposes through voluntary contributions, grants, bequests, the provision of services,   entertainment, lecture, media presentations, and by other means. 
  •     To acquire all real and personal property which the Society shall deem necessary or convenient to carry out its purposes.
  •     Generally, to take and exercise all the powers, rights, and privileges of or appertaining to a Society as provided in the "Societies Act" of the Province of British Columbia, and generally to carry on such business as the Directors of the Society from time to time deem necessary, proper, and lawful and in accordance with the objects of the Society herein set out, and in accordance with the provisions of the "Societies Act" of the Province of British Columbia.