Reflect the Times
The NOW Society Orchestra presents Reflect the Times
with guest artists Nicole Mitchell, Lisa Mezzacappa and Jeneen Frei Njootli
March 24, 2018 7pm - Orpheum Annex
823 Seymour St, Vancouver, BC
$20 General $10 Students and Musicians
The NOW Society presents the NOW Society Orchestra performing graphic works by composers Nicole Mitchell,
Lisa Mezzacappa, Viviane Houle, Roisin Adams, Jeneen Frei Njootli and a Raven Called Crow

"An artist's duty, as far as I'm concerned, is to reflect the times."
-Nina Simone
The NOW Society Orchestra:
Lisa Cay Miller, Artistic Director - piano
Nicole Mitchell, Guest Artist - flute
Lisa Mezzacappa, Guest Artist - bass
Jeneen Frei Njootli, Guest Artist - caribou antler and electronics

Nikki Carter - alto saxophone
Saul Berson - alto saxophone
Saul Berson - alto saxophone
Ralph Eppel - trombone
Brad Muirhead - bass trombone
Bill Clark - trumpet
Brad Muirhead - bass trombone
Bill Clark - trumpet
Lan Tung - erhu
Elisa Thorn - harp
Viviane Houle - voice
Elisa Thorn - harp
Viviane Houle - voice
Ron Samworth - guitar
Clyde Reed - bass
Mili Hong - drums
Lisa Mezzacappa and Nicole Mitchell, free public improvisation workshop at Selectors' Records, March 22.
Please note the early start time. The NOW Society and Barking Sphinx are working together so that you can attend this concert (regular price), and the second half of the Barking Sphinx show, beginning at 9:30 pm (at half price!) the same evening.
Thank you for the support of the Theatre Rental Program | City of Vancouver
Orpheum Annex
823 Seymour Street